Monday, September 28, 2009

Aries: an Apache project for Enterprise OSGi

Some of you may have noticed the Aries incubator project at Apache:

Aries is about building a community specifically around enterprise OSGi components and an enterprise OSGi application programming model. It provides a home for bundles and larger chunks of enterprise OSGi technology independent of the OSGi container, so anything found in Aries should work in a compliant OSGi runtime such as Felix or Equinox.

Part of the proposal focuses on the development of an OSGi Application model for assembling multiple bundles into a larger parts which you can think of as an application.

An application model is one of the things that the OSGi Enterprise Expert Group (EEG) is currently defining and working ahead on an implementation will help making this standard better as experience is always better gained by doing.

Initially the project will provide an implementation of the OSGi 4.2 Blueprint specification (RFC 124), an implementation of JPA support for OSGi and JNDI integration for OSGi.

Like with any Apache project, anyone interested in joining the fun is more than welcome to contribute! Many individuals and people working for a large variety of companies have already joined during the proposal stage and I would expect even more people to join once the project is under way.

Exciting stuff!


  1. So, if I understand correctly, EEG is about to define how to model and deploy JavaEE apps on top of OSGi and OSGi 4.2 is somewhat a preview of that ?

    How long do you think we need to wait for such a model ? There are more and more JavaEE servers supporting OSGi, but so far the deployment of server-side apps on top of OSGi has been little advertized (too bad). IMHO such a model is quite awaited.

  2. Hi Dominique,

    Yes, the EEG is currently looking at an Subsystem Metadata model which can be used to define and deploy applications. However, I'm not sure whether it will follow a JavaEE deployment model. I guess if you need a JavaEE deployment model, then maybe you should be using a JEE AppServer...

    The OSGi 4.2 Enterprise release will contain specifications that describe how to use certain technologies in OSGi, that have previously generally been associated with JEE.

    The Subsystem Metadata specification will not be ready in time for 4.2 Enterprise, so you'll have to wait a bit longer for that...

  3. It's unfortunate to wait so long to have a quite common EAR replacement OSGi-based.
    I will wait ;-)

    Anyway, thanks for answer.

  4. Are there any project updates available or can you direct me to where they are located on this site or elsewhere?

  5. Hi Jan,
    Aries has since been graduated to a top-level Apache project. You can find the website here:

    Release announcements are made on the mailing lists (see

    Hope this helps,

